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Management 201 Seminar Training

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IMPORTANT: Management 101 is a prerequisite to register for this seminar.

Management 201 is designed to take us to the next step in management. Once we have created the foundation (in management 101), it's time to build the perfect practice by:

  • Creating foolproof systems
  • Maximizing new patient flow
  • Mastering incoming appointment calls
  • Optimal Hygiene Appointment (not cleaning appointment) flow
  • Efficient Restorative Flow
  • Booking every patient every time

We work together to create job descriptions that are relevant to your specific practice and specific areas.

  • Dental Assistant
  • Hygienist
  • Administration

You will customize proven forms/templates. Set up expectations and goals for your entire team.

If you can't measure it, you can't manage it, so we will help you set up measurable goals while walking you through Kotter's change management.

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