The Practice Of The Future: A Dream Life For Dentists
Most dental management programs are taught by non-dentists who have never run a dental practice or dentists and others that want you to do what everyone else does. My practice grows every year because I constantly challenge the status quo and steal ideas from other industries and apply them to dental practice.
Most dentists think that their practice is different so you can’t just go and fix a few things and turn it into a world-beater. It is true that every practice is different in many ways. It is also true that every dental practice is similar in many ways. Of course I was not always in a successful practice. I have had every type of meltdown. I barely avoided the bank cutting me off the day before payroll. I have had key staff quit. I have even had spouses of my staff yelling at me!
It took a lot of trial and even more error to figure out the BEST way to run a dental practice; and it is not what you think!
Do you know that dentists who work fewer days per week love their work more? And love their LIFE more. Think about it. If you are ALWAYS working, even work you love starts to burn you out. Especially if the financial returns are less than you deserve.
But we all feel that we have to work, work, work just to keep up. After all, our security is entirely dependent on our practice performance. Yet we get so busy working that sometimes we are not working on the most important things. We are working on doing more fillings and crowns per day and the dentist next door is improving his location, marketing and staff training.
Let’s face it.
We all want less work and more income. Imagine if it was possible to have both? Imagine your satisfaction and pride when you realize that that you are both secure financially AND loving your life.
This is my Blue Print for the Practice of the Future.
I am pleased to announce that YES, it is possible to have both. You can earn way more and work way less. I have achieved this myself and taught many other dentists (and non-dentists) how to put themselves in the sweet spot of life.
I only work 2 days a week, yet my practice produces and collects 10 times more than the average practice out there. (Over $10 million yearly collections) And I am even more pleased to be able to offer the insights I have learned in an inexpensive home study program that has taken me years to put together.
Would Any of These benefits Increase Your Quality of Life?
I could go on and on but I’m sure you get the picture. Quality of life is optimized if you have BOTH the time and money to do what you want. Some people work very hard, make lots of money and sacrifice almost everything else along the way; their health, their marriage, their joyfulness and their peace of mind. Others don’t work too hard and have time, but no money to treat themselves and their families the way they would like to. Of the two, this would be the better life. But they don’t get to retire early. Or to send their kids to the schools they would like. Or be able to take the trips of their dreams.
Many dentists are frustrated because dentistry is hard enough, but when you pile on the business and patient management challenges it sometimes feels impossible. A lot of us are living lives far removed from the dream life we imagined when we graduated. But it is not too late!
I put out an online survey to dentists recently, as follows:
Please rank the areas that you need the most or least help with. Please rank out of 5; 1 being “I’m fine, 5 being “I need help!”
Most dentists checked off almost every single one as a 5: “I NEED HELP!”
If you’ve got it together in all of these areas, read no further. This message is not for you.
But if you would you like to:
Then this could be the most important letter you have ever read.
For the first time ever, I am going to reveal the powerful insider secrets that took my practice from zero to over $10,000,000.00 per year. You could spend $50,000 on a dental coaching program, or $15,000 to take your whole office to a Mega Conference. Or you could buy some new high tech gadget. But if you’ve already tried this and your practice stubbornly refuses to grow, there must be another way. Because, if you’re not increasing production, collections, new patient flow and growing your net income…
Then you’re not getting your money’s worth. No one else teaches you how to apply business concepts to dental practice management in a professional and dignified way that boosts your practice with class and integrity.
But you need to know that it IS possible to have it all.
My MINIMUM goal for every one of my program participants is to achieve what I call 20/20. That is a 20% decrease in days at work and a 20% increase in income.
A 20% decrease in work usually equates to one day a week out of the office doing whatever you want. A 20% increase in your income allows you to add to your savings, pay down debt, buy a nicer house, a better car or whatever it is you would do with an extra wad of cash. I have decreased my work days by 60% and increased my income by 1000% compared to national averages so 20/20 is achievable by ANYONE who applies even some of the principles. In fact the first principle that most people miss is making the decision to try to achieve 20/20. Think about it. If you are not trying to achieve something how the heck could it possibly happen?? But let’s not get into the how just yet.
I should point out that there is no other program that will teach you this. Most programs just talk about getting more business (marketing) or getting more money out of your existing customers (selling). Those are both important, but even if they work, they are all based on you working harder. If your marketing works and you get better at selling, you will be earning more money but you will also be 20% busier. You will have more money but less life.
Plus, dental consultants are EXPENSIVE. It takes a long time to pay off a $20,000 – $50,000 consulting bill even if you are making more money. And yes these are typical consulting fees. If you want to hire me to work with you directly, I will do it and this is what I charge. In fact, you can call me directly if your prefer to have me provide one on one implementation at (587)-391-5883.
However I developed this program specifically for dentists who are ‘do-it-yourselfers’ that can do it on their own. By documenting all my best ideas I developed a program that enables me to teach many people at once so I can do it affordably for everyone. Heck, it is not affordable it is DIRT CHEAP!
The other thing is that no other program promises you more life; only more money. No one else focuses on what I believe is the most important thing; taking back your TIME. Even the E-Myth, a book that is famous for getting control of your life, does not give specifics. It is an excellent book which I recommend highly, but deals only in concepts and generalities. I have documented the exact things that I do. It is not theory. It is actual practice. Step by step. What to do. What decisions to make. How to know what to do and when to do it.
So how do you know whether I can help YOU? I guess the first thing I will say on that point is that irrespective of whatever I can present to prove my credibility, I will tell you up front that I guarantee success. I guarantee 20% more income in 20% less time. If you are not happy with your results, I will give you back every cent you have paid even after an entire YEAR! So even if I can’t prove to you that I am worthy, you still have nothing to risk. It’s kind of like, “Okay buddy; this better be good”. I’m totally fine with being put to the test.
So who am I?
Let me give you something to go on so you do not feel you need a leap of blind faith! I am a practicing dentist. You can check out my office at Deer Valley Dental Care. I work 2 days a week. (You can call the office and ask for me. I will only be there Tuesday and Wednesday between 7AM and 2 PM.) The practice produces and collects well over $10,000,000 per year. (I can get my accountant to verify this if you need this level of proof. E-mail me for his phone number.)
I recently collaborated with Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Wayne Dyer and several other authors in an best seller entitled “A Search for Purpose”. You can check it out here.
I must have some free time if I wrote that piece, wrote a book entitled Dental Productivity Secrets (which can be purchased here, write a free monthly newsletter to dentists (which you can subscribe to here, as well as this intensive Home Study Program. All this while golfing 2 or 3 times a week, traveling 2 months a year and never missing any of my kids’ sports games! Did I mention that I also just finished building a cedar strip canoe? I have LOTS of free time.
I have even taught my concepts to several other people, not even in dentistry. E-mail me for their phone numbers if you want to speak to a live dental or even non-dental reference.)
I am a member of the National Register’s “Who’s Who of Executives and Professionals”. Most libraries have a copy of this register. More about Dr. Dave available by clicking here.
Financially, I have exceeded my lifetime goals already. I am not doing this for the money. I enjoy excellence in anything, and love seeing others excel in their practice and in their life. I love to teach, and just feel that it would be a shame not to share all that I have learned. Read about some real life success stories here.
So what is this program?
It is a Home Study Course. It goes through everything I disclosed in the table of contents above.If there was a consultant that knew all of this there is no way they would visit you and teach you this volume of material for less than $50,000. And neither would I. That is the beauty of the internet. I can teach many people at once for far less. Here are some of the things I think you need to know if you own your own practice; Heck, better yet,
Click Here to see the entire Table of Contents of my Practice of the Future Program. (Don’t be overwhelmed; there is a lot of content here, but you must examine every area of your practice if you want to maximize your results.)
I hope this does not seem overwhelming. The program is designed to take place over a number of months. But if you got through dental school, med school or any professional school this is a piece of cake by comparison. I can’t emphasize enough the importance of getting control of your life NOW, which means taking a day per week off within a month of beginning my program. 50% increases are real and are possible for YOU. I guarantee it.
Each Module comes with actual exercises and tasks to perform to ensure you get the most out of each section. This is an office improvement program designed to make changes right away.
So how much is it?
The entire 32 Module Program plus the Bonus Report: Dental Associates: A Win/Win Proposition is only US$499!! That is the TOTAL price for ALL 32 Modules. Not $499 each; $499 for everything. As I wrote above, due to the power of the internet I am able to teach many dentists at once so I can offer my life’s work at a pittance. The 32 Module Home Study Program I am offering these materials at a price that is affordable to any professional; for less than the price of a cup of coffee per day you can start a whole new life.
A home study program you do at your own pace. Get the entire 32 modules today for less than $20 per module.
After all, why wait for something that pays for itself?
Simply select the Buy Now button below the adjacent image of that very thick, 32 module program.
After completing your purchase you will receive an email containing a link to download the item(s) you have purchased.
Free Bonus - “Dental Associates: A Win/Win Proposition”
In this downloadable E-Report you will learn:
You will be able to download this Bonus E-Report the minute you register for either program.
My Personal Promise:
If you are not satisfied with the program you can get your money back. I’m willing to show you my stuff at my risk. At any time you can ask for a full refund.
If you are not satisfied with the program you can get your money back. I’m willing to show you my stuff at my risk. At any time you can ask for a full refund.
The goal of the program:
If you are in business you have worked very hard up till now. Now it is time for your business to work hard for you.
It is said that when you are ready to learn the teacher appears. This program is not for everyone because not everyone is ready to learn. Some need a crisis or severe hardship while others like to work pro-actively because they can see the opportunity. Whatever your style, if you are ready to learn, I am ready to teach. Give me a chance, and if I disappoint, take your money back and try something else.
Professionally Yours,
Dr. Dave
P.S. Most of us went into our profession to do the work they trained us to do. Then we got blindsided by this “management thing”. Running your office properly is impossible if no one has shown you how to do it. But it does not take much to go from frustration to “yeah, baby!”. Let’s face it, a huge part of how we think about ourselves (our self esteem) comes from our success in our practice. Imagine just for a second how it would feel if you increased your income by 20%. For most of dentists that is a $30.000 to $!00,000 annual increase. The best part is that once you do, you will know you are capable of 30% or decreasing your hours· or whatever mix of work days and income suits you best. I have had dentists triple their net on a 3 day work week.
P.P.S. If you have a bottom line that is not commensurate with your ability, it is time to break out of your rut. For all the sacrifice you have made learning your profession, buying or building a practice, employing a number of people, and the stress and difficulty of treating patients or clients you deserve a great return on all of this investment. For anyone who is ready to learn, your teacher has appeared.
You don’t have to wait for someone else’s permission to be a success. Simply click below and get the results you deserve right now.
NOTE: After completing your purchase you will receive an email containing a link to download the item(s) you have purchased.
Buy it here...
Additional Value Proposition: I also have a program, Dental Productivity Secrets, and a Special Report on Reducing Stress. Get all 3 plus additional bonuses at a huge discount here:
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