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Live Seminar Training

Managing a Dental Office Doesn’t Need to be Stressful and Chaotic...

With the right help and dental practice management training you can feel confident, your staff will have confidence in you, and you will have less stress and higher productivity!


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Dental Management Secrets is designated as an Approved PACE Program Provider by the Academy of General Dentistry. The formal continuing education programs of this program provider are accepted by AGD for Fellowship, Mastership and membership maintenance credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by a state or provincial board of dentistry or AGD endorsement.  The current term of approval extends from 03/01/2017 to 02/29/2020 Provider ID# 368363

Seminar Training Registration

Click DETAILS/REGISTER on each course card to view course dates, details and to register online

Management 101


  • Mastering Human Resources in a Dental Practice
  • Pay and Incentives
  • Setting and Enforcing Policies
  • Goal Setting – Executive and Staff
  • Leadership Skills
  • Hiring Great Dental Practice Employees
  • Training
  • Implementing Change
  • Office Management Automation...

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Management 201


Management 201 is designed to take us to the next step in management. Once we have created the foundation (in management 101), it's time to build the perfect practice by:

  • Creating foolproof systems
  • Maximizing new patient flow
  • Mastering incoming appointment calls
  • Optimal Hygiene Appointment (not cleaning appointment) flow
  • Efficient Restorative Flow...

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Management 301


Day 1 Morning: Dr. Dave addresses the entire group defining what makes a practice successful and why each person's role is significant. (It really is).

Afternoon: Dr. Dave meets with the dentists and managers on leadership issues and owner/manager roles. Craig meets with the team members.

Day 2 Morning: Dr. Dave meets dentists to discuss production, case presentation. Craig meets with the managers and team members...

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Management 401


The program walks you through the entire business relationship with an employee from the hiring process to the retirement/termination. At the end of this interactive course, you will:

  • Analyze resumes and select top candidates
  • Employ interviewing on the selected top candidates
  • Construct an onboarding for your newly hired employee
  • Effectively manage employee scenarios based on...

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Seminar Training Outlines

Learn tried and true dental practice management skills proven to work in dental offices large and small. These courses are taught by a facilitator who is also a practicing dental office manager. The same things you will learn in this course are exactly what were used to grow his practice from 4 million to over 12 million in under 5 years without driving our staff crazy (no more than they already are). Not only will you learn from the person who implemented these skills but you will also be able to discuss real life issues from your practice and how you would handle them.

All of our dental practice management courses are held in a small group setting to allow one on one interaction with every attendee.

These interactive, workshop style courses send you home with the knowledge and the tools to implement and grow your practice right away. You even go home with a complete office manual (if you don’t know why you need an office manual read this). You just can’t find another dental practice management course like this anywhere else.

Click on a gold bar below to view the details for that course.

  • Management 101 Seminar Training Outline


    1) Mastering HR (Human Resources) In a Dental Practice

    Have you ever felt like the stranger at your own staff meeting? You called it, you set the agenda, but what happened, what are they talking about, do you work at the same place?

    • Learn how to Master HR
    • Have a pulse of your team.
    • Learn what to say when
    • Create the win-win

    2) Pay and Incentives

    • Learn how to create and maintain equitable salaries
    • How to conduct a salary based staff review
    • Why staff incentives fail

    3) Setting and Enforcing Policies

    When we know what is good for our practice we need our team to have clear policies so the team knows what to expect. Then, once we set up our polices we need to enforce them. Sometimes we feel it is easier to pretend we don’t see, but what are the effects? In this module we learn to successfully setup and enforce our policies.

    4) Leadership Skills

    • Speaking in public
    • Leading by team work not by fear
    • Positioning
    • Ask before you tell

    5) Hiring Great Dental Practice Employees

    How to find your next superstar.

    6) Training

    • How to create practice training
    • Let’s all do it the same way (the right way)
    • No one ever told me that before

    7) Implementing Change

    Change is hard for all of us; in this module we learn how to implement painless change. You’re right there is no such thing as painless change. Listen as we walk you through the successful tips of implementing manger change.

    Hear solid advice from a manager who:

    1. Took their office chartless
    2. Switch Practice Management Software (replacing a 10 year old system)
    3. Tore down rebuilt their office (added 6 more operatories) and then did it again 3 years later.
    4. Implemented electronic time sheets and schedules.
    5. Changed job roles.
    6. Switched out the phone system.
    7. Streamlined (automated) reports.
    8. Kept the office growing even through a major recession.
    9. Calmed down the unnecessary drama that existed previously.
    10. Runs one of the largest offices in North America.

    All while staying open 7 days a week.

    8) Office Management Automation

    Whether managing a team of 10 or a team of 100, automation is the lifesaver. We’ll explore several options and tips on how to automate your role.

    9) Progress Management Techniques 

    • Create staff actions plans
    • Write and deliver memos
    • Develop – “verbal, written verbal, may and will letters” (if you don’t know what this is, don’t miss course)

    10) Handling Overtime

    Here we explore how and when do we need over time and how do we keep it in control.

    11) Termination

    In management we are asked to invite people into our family and sometimes invite them out of the family. In this module you will learn:

    • The two minute termination without the drama
    • Termination should never be a surprise
    • Where, when, and how to terminate
    • How to handle our fears before and after a termination

    12) Scheduling

    • How to determine how many people to schedule
    • Scheduling budget
    • Don’t put them on the same shift (whatever you do)

    13) Collecting Money

    How to keep your receivables under control – NO OVER 90’s!

    14) Create Your Office Manual

    Often our team doesn’t meet our expectations because they don’t know what they don’t know. During this full day course we create your Office Manual tailored to your culture goals. At the end of this day you can leave with your staff manual ready to implement. (If you don’t know why you need an office manual read this: A Little Mistake That Cost A Dental Office $30,000!

    15) Advanced Automation Training – Pre-Work Required

    For years office managers have wrestled with the problem of just not having enough hours or days to get everything done. In addition, they struggle with accurately preparing payroll for their payroll provider and managing staff schedules.

    They spend hours poring over time sheets, analyzing unplanned overtime, absences, and juggling phone calls and emails to stay on top of shift swapping. Sure, your payroll provider processes the numbers—any numbers good or bad, but leaves the hard work of doing the calculations to you.

    That’s where the Automated Manager comes in.

    There is some pre-work for this part of the course, but you can leave here with many office functions fully automated and ready to implement when you get back.


  • Management 201 Seminar Training Outline

    Management 201 is designed to take us to the next step in management. Once we have created the foundation (in management 101), it's time to build the perfect practice by:

    • Creating foolproof systems
    • Maximizing new patient flow
    • Mastering incoming appointment calls
    • Optimal Hygiene Appointment (not cleaning appointment) flow
    • Efficient Restorative Flow
    • Booking every patient every time

    We work together to create job descriptions that are relevant to your specific practice and specific areas.

    • Dental Assistant
    • Hygienist
    • Administration

    You will customize proven forms/templates. Set up expectations and goals for your entire team. 

    If you can't measure it, you can't manage it, so we will help you set up measurable goals while walking you through Kotter's change management. 


  • Management 301 Seminar Training Outline

    I was able to coax Dr Dave out of retirement to do one more 301 seminar. He has not hosted a seminar in over 5 years. It was not easy to get him to commit to one more, and it likely will be the last.

    If you have read his materials or listened to his CD's you know what kind of practical wisdom that he provides. He only speaks on what made him a top producer personally plus what he did to build a practice that reached annual collections of over $12,000,000. 

    He loves to separate fact from myth as so many consultants preach principles that hurt the practice rather than help it.

    You can come alone, with your spouse, or bring your manager or the whole team.

    Dr Dave will present to the whole team, but also will split up the sessions so that he can discuss leadership principles with the practice leaders while I work with the staff on what they can do to help build the practice.

    This is the agenda for the meeting:

    Day 1 Morning: Dr Dave addresses the entire group defining what makes a practice successful and why each person's role is significant. (It really is).

    Afternoon: Dr Dave meets with the dentists and managers on leadership issues and

    owner/manager roles. Craig meets with the team members.

    Day 2 Morning: Dr Dave meets dentists to discuss production, case presentation.  Craig meets with the managers and team members.

    Afternoon: Dr Dave meets with dentists and managers on case presentation. Craig meets with the team.

    Day 3 Morning: Dr Dave meets dentists to discuss future plans and strategies to achieve them. Craig meets with the managers and team members.

    Afternoon Wrap Up Session with entire group by Dr Dave and Craig where we share our plans.

    An office trip is expensive; both in terms of direct costs but also in lost production. Yet, it is also a fun time and a great perc for staff members so what we do in our office is get everyone (including dentists and associates) to work 2 or 3 extra days that the office is not normally open and allocate that money to the trip. It won't pay the whole amount, but it makes it affordable for the owner to bring more people.

    Some dentists come on their own without the team and that is fine too.

    Our seminars are always small group format with lots of interaction so we can only take a few offices.

    If your office could use a lift, this could be what puts you over the top.

  • Management 401 Seminar Training Outline

    The program walks you through the entire business relationship with an employee from the hiring process to the retirement/termination. At the end of this interactive course, you will:

    • Analyze resumes and select top candidates
    • Employ interviewing on the selected top candidates
    • Construct an onboarding for your newly hired employee
    • Effectively manage employee scenarios based on the employee you hired
    • Conduct, pay, and salary review based on your selected employees
    • Implement progressive management

    The program is designed to put you in the driver seat, where you will hire a top candidate and manage them all the way through till retirement/termination. However, be prepared as sometimes attempting to hire the leading candidate can lead to an error in hiring judgment which you'll walk down an entirely

    different direction.

    This immersive program will be like no other course you've ever taken. You will be completely submerged into managing your new hire(s), and you will leave our four-day course as a highly effective, well rounded manager from your experience.  Join us this November in Vegas this November.


    Management 401  Management revisited – This Ain't No Ordinary Management Course.

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