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Management 401 Seminar Training

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IMPORTANT: Management 101 is a prerequisite to register for this seminar.

The program walks you through the entire business relationship with an employee from the hiring process to the retirement/termination. At the end of this interactive course, you will:

  • Analyze resumes and select top candidates
  • Employ interviewing on the selected top candidates
  • Construct an onboarding for your newly hired employee
  • Effectively manage employee scenarios based on the employee you hired
  • Conduct, pay, and salary review based on your selected employees
  • Implement progressive management

The program is designed to put you in the driver seat, where you will hire a top candidate and manage them all the way through till retirement/termination. However, be prepared as sometimes attempting to hire the leading candidate can lead to an error in hiring judgment which you'll walk down an entirely different direction.

This immersive program will be like no other course you've ever taken. You will be completely submerged into managing your new hire(s), and you will leave our four-day course as a highly effective, well rounded manager from your experience. Join us for the next presentation.

Management 401 - Management revisited – This Ain't No Ordinary Management Course!

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