A Mailman, or Mailwoman for that matter, is shown how to do their work, and basically goes about their work for the next 25 years doing exactly the same thing every day.
It reminds me of a dentist I know who have been practicing 30 years, but he does not have 30 years experience. He has one year of experience repeated 30 times. Kind of like a mailman.
If you had cancer, who would you like to treat you?
Someone 90 years old who still believes in leeches and bloodletting? Or someone who learned one way to treat cancer 30 years ago and still works that way because ‘I have had some good results with this”.
Or would you want someone state of the art? Maybe they check your genes and see where the weakness is and correct that. Or create a specific protein that activates your own immune system to fight the cancer. Or use the newest methods that optimize the doses of chemo and radiation for maximum results with minimal side effects.
Well, what do you think our patients are looking for? They want the best, up to date clinical methods.
And most dentists are doing pretty well in this area.
And guess what, there are also state of the art ways to manage your practice. And in this case, the only one you hurt by not being up to date is yourself.
If you are not highly automated, with systems to save time and minimize unnecessary staff procedures you are leaving a lot of money on the table.
Do yourself a favor and get as up to date on your management skills as you are with your clinical skills.
All for now.
Dr Dave
#30 1221 Canyon Meadows Dr.
SE Calgary, AB T2J 6G2
Phone: (403) 984-0114
40837 N 97 Street
Scottsdale, AZ 85262
Phone: (480) 840-7323