Every now and then I run across an article on my computer that I have written and forgotten about.
Today I stumbled across this one and I thought I would post it:
Dentist or CEO?
It’s time to decide.
So what are you? Dentist or CEO?
A dentist is someone who fixes teeth.
An associate is a dentist. They come to work every day, fix teeth and go home.
If you own a practice, it means that at some point you decided to stop being a dentist and become a CEO.
A CEO runs a business.
A CEO’s primary role is to maximize shareholder value. In other words to maximize profit, cash flow and the value of the business.
A CEO’s primary activity is creating and communicating a strong vision for the business.
A CEO is keenly interested in the effective marketing of the business.
A CEO is always looking to leverage the strengths of the business into new markets or to do more business in the existing market.
A CEO manages the culture of the business by promoting the most deeply held values and beliefs of the organization.
A CEO looks at the big picture.
A CEO does not micro manage.
A CEO delegates to a carefully chosen team.
If a court of law accused you of being a CEO would they have enough evidence to convict you?
If you think your role is to be nice to patients and staff and give painless injections then you are a dentist not a CEO.
That may be okay as long as a real CEO doesn’t move in next door and begin to compete.
Dental practice management is not a game; it is real life with real consequences; good or bad.
Improve YOUR Dental management skills here: www.dentalmanagementsecrets.com
I have a couple of rooms for the dental cruise event reserved for a few more days.
After that it is on an availablility only basis.
You can get info here: https://dentalmanagementsecrets.com/index.php/dental-cruise
All the best.
Dr. Dave
#30 1221 Canyon Meadows Dr.
SE Calgary, AB T2J 6G2
Phone: (403) 984-0114
40837 N 97 Street
Scottsdale, AZ 85262
Phone: (480) 840-7323