We love automation.Our staff salaries have dropped even as our revenues have increased over the past few years. They are now below 20%.We love our staff and they do a fantastic job of making sure our practice runs smoothly and every patient is satisfied with every interaction with our office. But we have eliminated several staff positions over the past few years.Here are some examples of what we have automated:
This is not even a complete list of all that we have automated but it gives you a good idea where we are coming from.Plus everything we do can be done online; from home or vacation. My manager has done payroll for over 50 people from all over the country; even Disneyland.Keep in mind that not one of the above functions costs one cent of a staff member’s time to carry it out. You can see how staff costs can be reduced. Your staff are very valuable and the key to a successful practice. You just don’t want them doing these kinds of things.Contrary to popular belief, automation does not de-personalize your practice. Rather it frees you from repetitive time consuming tasks. It makes sure everything important gets done 100% of the time and it frees you up to do what you are supposed to be doing; looking after your patients!We love to teach what we have learned and hope you come to one of our upcoming seminars to learn about automation and a whole lot more.We have managers only seminars coming up in New York, Vancouver and Calgary, and an all office seminar coming up in Cabo San Lucas in Mexico in January.You can get info on all our programs here: https://dentalmanagementsecrets.com/All for now,Dr DavePS May 31, this Friday is the deadline for the early bird discount on our Cabo San Lucas seminar.
You can get info on that program here: https://dentalmanagementsecrets.com/cabo
#30 1221 Canyon Meadows Dr.
SE Calgary, AB T2J 6G2
Phone: (403) 984-0114
40837 N 97 Street
Scottsdale, AZ 85262
Phone: (480) 840-7323