I was reading a golf magazine today and the article was talking about how the pros practice. The main things they focus on are the basics; stance, grip and alignment.
Of course this is not what we amateurs want to hear. We want the secret to bombing the ball over 300 yards by making one simple adjustment.
And we dentists often hope for the same thing; what little trick or new bonus plan can boost our production and office morale by 300%?
Unfortunately, the most important thing for us is correct basics too.
So what is one of the basic things that we need to do?
For starters, everyone wants an office with a great atmosphere; happy staff and happy patients.
So we search for the ‘wow’ factors that we can incorporate to make the difference.
But unfortunately there is no wow factor that can overpower a dysfunctional atmosphere.
In other words, it is far more important to eliminate the things that annoy both your patients and staff.
For example, even if you put in a juice/ coffee/ espresso/ champagne/ caviar bar in your reception area but you totally mess up their financial arrangements or appointments the patient is not going to be happy.
If you promise big raises and don’t come through, or show favoritism, or make up policies on the fly, your staff are not going to be happy. Any irritants reduce office morale… and patient retention.
So working on the basics for dentists includes looking at the things that people complain about. (Probably behind your back.) We all hate complainers, but if their issues are legitimate, they need to be fixed.
That is the first step to a great office. Not a new wow factor. Not a new technology. Not a renovation.
It is eliminating the things that make people unhappy. Pretty much by default, they will become happy. Or at least noticeably less unhappy.
That staff become free to do their job and the patients become free to get their treatment, pay their bill and leave happy.
This sounds simple, but to achieve it requires good systems and well thought out and fair policies for both patients and your team. (Kind of like the stuff we help dentists do.)
All for now,
Dr Dave
#30 1221 Canyon Meadows Dr.
SE Calgary, AB T2J 6G2
Phone: (403) 984-0114
40837 N 97 Street
Scottsdale, AZ 85262
Phone: (480) 840-7323