January has always been the time that I have taken stock of my life; how I’m doing right now, how last year went (never mind!), and what I want to do in the upcoming year.
Almost everything I have accomplished is not because I just fell into it. It is because I made a plan that year to do it, or at least start on it.
I have always wondered what goes through mind of a golf pro that works at a driving range. Most of the time no one hires him. He stands there watching anywhere between 10 and 40 people flail away with horrible golf swings that he could fix or at least help.
So why don’t they hire him? Some of these people golf over 100 times a year. You would thing for what they spend on golf, a few lessons would be an insignificant cost.
And I have to say, I feel the same way myself. When people call us for help, most times they have been struggling for a long time.
What stops people from spending a fraction of what they have invested in dentistry into some tips to get better at it?
If you are a dentist, this is your life. My annual goals have always been to have a better life.
Presuming that you think along the same lines, what can you do to improve?
As the title says, if not now, then when? Why not start 2021 with plans to work smarter, earn more, enjoy dentistry more, and make your team and patients feel better. All with the same office, team and tools that you already have invested in.
Whether we can help you with Dental Self Help, Dental Automation, Dental Consulting, or Dental Office Manager Seminars, (in order of cost), improvement is not only possible, we guarantee it.
If you could spend $1500 on an investment that could get you $3000 back, you’d probably go for it. Especially if they said you get the $1500 back if it doesn’t work.
Imagine spending $1500 and getting $5000 more EVERY MONTH for the rest of your practicing life. Seems like a no brainer. Especially when we promise to give the $1500 back if the returns are not there.
Let us help you help yourself.
All for now,
Dr Dave
Dental Management Secrets
#30 1221 Canyon Meadows Dr.
SE Calgary, AB T2J 6G2
Phone: (403) 984-0114
40837 N 97 Street
Scottsdale, AZ 85262
Phone: (480) 840-7323