After over 10 years working with dentists and their staffs, I believe the single most costly mistake is lack of training. In almost every 101 workshop, the most common complaint from staff relates to living with the stress that comes from the expectation to handle all the detail of managing a dental office, without the requisute training or support.
Just in turnover and lost productivity alone, we estimate this costs the average practice $122,500 a year.
Most managers are afraid to ask for training. “Will my dentist approve a $1,500.00, 3-day course to get me the training I need?” Even though the clinic gets shut down when the dentist flies out for another course on the latest procedure for something like implants. These courses seem to pop up overnight, which means we managers, along with the rest of the staff, are stuck with rescheduling all the patients.
When the email shows up with your manager’s resignation, you as the dentist are usually surprised, and wonder, “What happened? You looked happy last time we spoke…you seemed so strong when you were working as my assistant…”
Why did this happen?
These managers simply did not receive the training they needed to do their job. Giving your dental office manager proper training will ensure they stay with the practice, so they can implement the proper changes to take your clinic to the next level.
You spend thousands on your own continuing education, why not get more leverage from that investment by sending your manager to our course? We promise he/she will delete her “Resignation” document, create a new folder called “Moving Forward,” and become an impact player that MAKES YOU MORE MONEY – GUARANTEED.
This seminar has literally transformed past attendees. Once they know what to do they can finally help the practice. Hear what past attendees have to say at
The next Dental Management 101 is February 16-19th at the Lake Buena Vista Resort Hotel, in Orlando, FL. To register or get more information on the workshop details call (587)-391-5883 and ask for Kodie, or go online to
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SE Calgary, AB T2J 6G2
Phone: (403) 984-0114
40837 N 97 Street
Scottsdale, AZ 85262
Phone: (480) 840-7323