Just a few weeks ago I shared a pretty typical experience for Target shoppers in Canada.[See the article here]. It’s a good example of how poorly trained managers can bleed your business to death.
When Target moved into Canada it opened stores across the country rapidly. One of the compromises a business makes when expanding too rapidly is less time preparing managers, so when Canadians arrived for their first time at a Canadian Target store they expected the same experience they had when visiting the retailer south of the border. In many cases the visit resulted in a disappointing first impression and kept them from coming back. Target is now pulling out of Canada.
How does this relate to a dental office?
Your manager is the person that sets the standard in your office, they implement the owners wishes and ensure the employees work within the parameters set out in the office manual (if you don’t have one of these read this blog post). If your manager is not trained properly, not only are these parameters not met, but a chaotic environment becomes the culture of the practice.
Patients and staff feel this, and it impacts everything from daily production to new patient acquisition.
A well trained manager creates a business culture where the staff operates without chaos; staff and patients respond positively. Production and billings naturally follow. A well-trained staff leads to happier patients, and happy patients keep coming back.
That makes a happy dentist! So why do so many dentists skip the staff training? One reason is they don’t perceive the problem as something that can be fixed, and don’t know about training programs like DMS.
Most managers just don’t have the training (tools) to effectively manage. On behalf of your managers and the hundreds of practices we have served, PLEASE seriously consider how you can help and invest in their training. Give them the tools to effectively manage, let them learn how effective the Win-Win process can be.
The next 2 Dental Management 101 courses are February 16-19th at the Lake Buena Vista Resort Hotel, in Orlando, FL. and March 9-12 at the Courtyard Edmonton Downtown Hotel in Edmonton, AB. To register or get more information on the workshop details call (587)-391-5883 and ask for Kodie, or go online to dentalmanagementsecrets.com/management-101.
This seminar has literally transformed past attendees. Once they know what to do they can finally help the practice. Hear what past attendees have to say at dentalmanagementsecrets.com/101-review
See a full course description here.
Craig Hayes, Manager – Deer Valley Dental Care, Lead Trainer – Dental Management Secrets
PS. If you manage your own office (as many dentists do), this course is just as important for you as it would be for an office manager.
#30 1221 Canyon Meadows Dr.
SE Calgary, AB T2J 6G2
Phone: (403) 984-0114
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Scottsdale, AZ 85262
Phone: (480) 840-7323