I always enjoy speaking to other business people about things that helped make their businesses succeed.
Today a high level manager in a national company said that his boss would always start every conversation with this question, “Are you happy today?”
If so, great. That means everything is working according to plan.
But if not, he would ask, why are you not happy?
Then he would ask if there is anything he could do to help.
So this question should be resonating with you on two levels.
Have you asked your team if they are happy, and if not, why not and what can you do to help.
You should also be asking yourself if YOU are happy. And if not, what are you doing about it?
After all, life is short and anything you can do to eliminate the obstacles to your happiness is time and effort very well spent.
We are doing more and more consulting and many dentists are feeling a lot of pressure. Translation; not happy.
So I will ask the question: Is there anything we can do to make you happy. To paraphrase Mae West: I’ve been happy and I’ve been unhappy and happy is better. Her quote was about being rich, and the truth is financial issues do happen to be one of the most common stresses dentists face.
A lot of times dentists know what to do but just can’t get up the gumption to do it. If this is you, take a backbone strengthening pill and get on with it.
If you just don’t know what to do, call someone who does. Like I said life is too short to go through it unhappy and we have seen so many transformations that we know it can be done.
The other area we are becoming increasingly involved is even when you know the change that is required, it is a lot easier to bring in someone else to deliver the ‘bad news’.
In a recent consult, we delivered the message of the new office ‘rules’. The rules were a lot tougher than the unwritten deal currently operating. How did the team take the news? They clapped at the end.
Why would they feel this way? Because they welcome some kind of structure and a first step in getting the office organized and eliminating favoritism.
So a lot of the changes you dread do not always send the team into a fit. Imagine if something you have put off for years is actually well received?
I can guarantee you that positive action of any kind to improve your practice will increase your happiness.
All for now.
Dr Dave
PS. When was the last time you asked your Manager if they were happy. Most often when they say no it’s because they feel they don’t have the tools (know-how) to do their jobs. We have the solution Management 101 this September 22-25 in Niagara Falls, ON. You can find the details here.
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