Some dentists have told me that they don’t want to hear what I have to say because they don’t want the headaches of a huge office with multiple associates, etc, etc.
They totally misunderstand what I am trying to teach.
For example, I just did a consult with an office who wanted to transition to an office like mine. His practice was very profitable, and he had great, long term loyal staff and patients. He was financially secure and wanted to retire in a few years. And he was fighting some health problems.
I told him to forget it. I told him to be thankful for what he has, maybe improve his case presentation skills and stay put. In his case the risk was far too great to give up what he had to try to get something better.
If you are starting out or in serious trouble my advice would be totally different.
Basically your goal should be to become the best YOU that is possible. You want to achieve YOUR potential and achieve goals that are important to YOU.
You do not need to meet or exceed my goals or anyone else’s. But to live a great life you should strive to be the best you can be and to feel like you are using the gifts that you have been given to improve the world to the maximum extend that you can. Because if you do, your own life will be maximized in what comes back your way in terms of respect, appreciation, satisfaction and of course we can never forget about the bottom line. You will also earn what you are capable of earning as well.
So forget about everyone else. But don’t forget about yourself. We all know when we are all in and when we are still leaving something on the table.
Or as the sports coaches say, leave it all out on the field. Don’t come to bench still ready to go. Come to the bench feeling like you did all you could.
Who you should be trying to be is YOU at your best. There is no more than that, and don’t settle for less.
As I have written before, you are the CEO of your life. Treat your life like it is important, because it is.
All for now,
Dr. Dave
PS. A great first step in being the best you is to learn how to manage your office more efficiently. Not only will this free up time for you, it will give you happier, more loyal employees as well.
We have created a new office management session for dentists only. Dentists can hear what their staff think but would never say in front of them, and how that impacts production. This new session will be held in Las Vegas – April 25-28, 2014. Details here.
I have always said leadership is more important than management for the dentist, but it is easier to lead your manager when you know what they are probably thinking and what they are supposed to do.
And for dentists in smaller offices, you ARE the manager, so you need it even more.
This new session is NOT about the usual dental practice management stuff such as recall systems, etc.
It is about HR: Human Relations:
Basically, this course teaches you how to manage a dental office. Then you can set up any kind of recall system, or policy you want.
If your office is out of control, taking this course may be the next step you need.
We are only planning the “dentists only” session this one time and may not run it again so don’t miss out.
Register online here or give us a call at (587)-391-5883
#30 1221 Canyon Meadows Dr.
SE Calgary, AB T2J 6G2
Phone: (403) 984-0114
40837 N 97 Street
Scottsdale, AZ 85262
Phone: (480) 840-7323