Yesterday I golfed with a man who is a physician and also a PhD in psychology.
We had a most interesting game of golf while also discussing our philosophies of life.
It got pretty deep pretty fast.
He believes that we all have the power inside of us to accomplish everything that we dream of.
He deals with lots of people with many physical and mental problems that he ascribes largely to their way of thinking and looking at their issues on a superficial level and not going to the core of what is really bothering them.
He also deals with people constantly reaching new heights.
He is not a ‘shrink’ who diagnoses and then prescribes pills.
He leads people to think about why they think and believe what they do.
He sent me this article of his view of the world and I thought I would pass it along.
It has nothing to do with dentistry, but everything to do with happiness, self improvement and how you relate to others. Here it is:
Myself-and-my-world constructs
An opinion – John Faul
Growing up, or becoming the actual person in one’s own life, entails and consists of developing a set of definitions, concepts, or mental constructs of who I am and what my world is all about. Subjective living is to be engaged in a lifelong task of creating my worlds and my places in them.
Life-changing and in depth work lies ahead if I am to re-examine my way of being and revise and broaden my constructs of myself and my world that continuously direct my life. The structure of myself-and-my-world is so central in my life, that it can almost be considered as the essence of life itself. My experiences of myself in my world may have become gradually so stable, that they have given me a sense of identity.
The most intimate relationship I have personally is with all my own thoughts and concepts that I have about me and the world I created, for myself. The way that I relate with my own thoughts determines my life, and especially how I relate to other people in my life. My thoughts affect my life.
To grow towards a more interesting and fulfilling life is to begin to learn to listen within myself. There is a difference in self-reporting about me and my world than actually being aware, present, and living in the moment. Examining my experiences when I am without some of my closely held thoughts, beliefs, and concepts, may broaden and stretch who I am and what my world is about. Taking personal responsibility for my own experience implies a review of what I think about myself and the worlds I have created for myself. Gaining inner sight into the impact my thoughts and concepts have on my outer reality, will require empathy, guidance, and healing.
My quest has become to open the myself-and-my-world construct to imaginative and possible alternative options. Previously held beliefs – religious, psychological, relational, health, economic, physical, social, and environmental – are all available for possible change.
I think we all need to examine what we constantly think about and question whether our self thoughts are helping our hurting us.
You need to read this a few times to really get it. But the message is clear that we are the architects of our own destiny.
I particularly like the paragraph that reads: The most intimate relationship I have personally is with all my own thoughts and concepts that I have about me and the world I created, for myself. The way that I relate with my own thoughts determines my life, and especially how I relate to other people in my life. My thoughts affect my life.
If you think you can improve your situation you are right and if you think you can’t you also will be proven correct.
So think about what you are thinking. Maybe it’s time to start arguing with yourself! Question your self-talk if it is negative and not moving you forward. Replace it with the kind of pro-active and self confident inner dialogue that winners use.
I’m not a shrink either, but if your newly empowered self is ready to finally deal with the office management monster you’ve been ignoring because your self-talk said it can’t be fixed, then we can help.
All for now.
Dr Dave
PS We are also hosting another dental office manager training session in October in Las Vegas.
#30 1221 Canyon Meadows Dr.
SE Calgary, AB T2J 6G2
Phone: (403) 984-0114
40837 N 97 Street
Scottsdale, AZ 85262
Phone: (480) 840-7323