I was just at a dental convention. There was only one really great point made in 2 days.
It was this: instead of thinking what information you need to improve you should be figuring out what kind of person you need to be in order to do the things that need to be done in order to get the result that you are after.
Wow. To me that is profound.
Let’s face it, a lot of the time we know what to do, but somehow it just never gets done.
It is human nature to avoid unpleasant tasks and do the things that are more fun.
But that is not how you make changes or get ahead.
Of course you do need the right information as well. But the right dental management know-how needs to be combined with the right attitude.
What kind of person do you need to be? What kind of person do you want to be? What kind of person are you now? What kind of person do others think that you are? Who inspires you? Who do you want to be like? Who can help you get there?
If you can answer all those questions honestly, then you are already well on the way.
I suppose Question B in all of this is what kind of person does your dental office manager need to be to run the office while you drill teeth? When we do consults it strikes us how the dentist thinks they are running the show but since they are seeing patients all day they really don’t know what is going on in a lot of cases.
You need a manager to manage all the things that are going on while you provide patient care. If you think you can do a great job of that from chair-side, you may be in for a surprise some day.
The dentist needs to be a great leader, but to run the day to day aspects you also need a great dental office manager.
We have found that the best improvements in dental offices that we have been able to create are by helping dental office managers become the people they need to be to support you and the entire team.
Our 2013 calendar has just come out and we have scheduled training for dental office managers 3 times.
We do a management 101 which cover management basics and dental office manual creation in April and September. And we do an advanced session in November.
Our website has lots of testimonials as these are really life changing sessions when an assistant or receptionist is finally given tools and skills so they he or she can manage properly for the first time ever.
The following January we are going to invite the dentists to join the managers so we can teach the differences in the roles and how to work together for the best outcome.
You can sign up here if you are interested. We have some early registration discounts so book now and make sure you get a spot and that 2013 becomes the year when things really start to move upward.
Imagine if both the dentist and the manager are the people they need to be. Nothing could stop them.
All for now.
Dr Dave
PS I know that we are in a recession. When I started consulting and writing our office produced in the $6 million range. 5 years later we are hoping to hit $9 million by Jan 31. And this is through a tough economic time. So our methods are not theoretical. We practice what we preach and we love to pass on what we have learned.
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