This title may come as a surprise since I host and present practice management seminars. If a dentist takes a course he or she will learn some good material. But I also know that the impact is exponentially higher when we get a chance to also help your staff see how the office needs to work. It is much easier for US to do that than for you to come back and try to get them on board.
In our seminars we do some group sessions with the whole team, but then we also break out into smaller groups. I teach the owners the things owners need to know and do to LEAD the practice. Things you don’t want the staff to hear. But things you need to hear. Remember my last newsletter; People buy into the leader before they buy into the vision.—John C. Maxwell
My manager meets with managers to teach them how to MANAGE the staff, not just to try to do everything that the staff find difficult.
I teach associates that it is possible and in fact essential to build their own fabulous practice within your facility and with your patients. And that it is possible for an associate to be a very high producer.
My manager teaches the staff about their role and how critical they are to the success of the practice. And also about telephone skills and customer service to get them in and a session on closing the back door to keep them in.
I teach ethical case presentation and production tips to all the dentists; owners and associates.
But the best part is on the last day when every person presents THEIR goal to the group. That creates accountability like you have never seen. And guess what? My manager has already coached them on what types of goals that you as the owner are hoping that they set.
There are lots of ways we can present the need for office production. But if you present it, you often come across as just being greedy. Let us get the message across.
By the way, it is a lot of work putting these seminars on and I am semi retired now so this one will likely be my last.
Dentists spend a lot of money taking dental seminars. Sometimes we learn some interesting things. But rarely does it help our profits increase.My seminar is designed entirely to help you earn more money by doing things better; better for your patients, your staff, but also for YOU. And all ethical, informal and fun.
This is one seminar where the cost will be returned back to you over a short period of time, and your increase in earnings will then continue on for years.
I started teaching other dentists 5 years ago. At that time I worked 2 days a week and the office produced $6 million per year. I now work 2 days a week in the summer only and spend 6 months in Scottsdale in the winter and we will hit $9 million this year out of one location.
So we are teaching real world skills that we use with great success.
Come to Cabo January 24-26. Escape winter and come and let us share the ways we grew our practice and continue to grow it every year. My presentation on bonus plans is worth the entire cost of the trip!
You can come by yourself, but we encourage dentists to get their entire staff including associates to work 2 or 3 days at no salary to help finance the trip. You still generate a lot of goodwill by putting it all together and that puts them in the right frame of mind to help the practice.
Hope to see you there.
Dr Dave
PS As an added bonus you will get half a day with my marketing company. He will teach you the principles of marketing that can save you thousands on wasted programs.
#30 1221 Canyon Meadows Dr.
SE Calgary, AB T2J 6G2
Phone: (403) 984-0114
40837 N 97 Street
Scottsdale, AZ 85262
Phone: (480) 840-7323