If you have been reading my stuff for a while then you know how I love goals. There is no way your practice is going to go from 60 per month to 80 per month (or whatever is relevant) unless you TRY to get it to improve like that. Major improvements don’t happen on their own. Major improvements are the result of a deliberate decision and a plan to make it happen; in other words a goal. So make this the year you break through. As a belated Christmas present I am inserting a few of the principles from my Dental Productivity Secrets Program to help get you started. You can get the entire program here: www.dentalmanagementsecrets.com
There are about 20 points in the program, and I will include 5 or 6 of them here :
Goals “What you get by achieving your goals is as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” -Henry David Thoreau
I love this quote because I think it gets to the heart of the difference between high and low producers. People that achieve a goal not only benefit from whatever the goal accomplishment got them. More importantly they learned that they can improve themselves. So now they feel comfortable trying something else new. People that bailed out on a goal they set have taught themselves that they can’t do it. People it this group don’t really see themselves this way, they just think there is no point in trying something new, because what they have “works”, and every time they try something new bad things happen. Remember that the past is past. What has happened before does not determine what you can do. After all you have achieved quite a lot in your life already. And none of us want to mess up. But the answer lies in careful progress with the right help and advice, not in avoiding anything new. It also means letting go of the old way. You can’t do it the same way and have it improve. The hardest part is usually not the new way; it is letting go of the old way. The old way is our security blanket. But you need to cut the ties at some point if you want to improve. You need to know where you want to go if you hope to have any possible chance of getting there. And once you set a goal, you need to make a plan to set out what you are going to do differently to achieve the goal. If what you really want is to get into better shape, and then set it as a goal, but you never change your eating habits, or exercise patterns, you obviously are not going to see any improvement. If you are able to clearly state what you want, and how you can get it, the more likely you are to be able to get there. Sometimes clearly stating our goals helps us realize that what we want has changed, and we hadn’t even realized it.
Why do you want it? One of the most powerful motivators is to really understand yourself and your own motivations. If you are clear what you want and why you want it, the world had better look out, because you will be hard to stop. When we don’t ask ourselves why we want something, sometimes you are chasing an old dream, or even your parents’ dream! Make sure you are pursuing what is right for you right now.
Written Goals should be written out for various reasons. First, it has to be clear in your mind to be able to write it out. Second, the act of putting it to paper registers in your mind, both conscious and sub-conscious. I can’t tell you how many goals I had written down, forgotten about, and found the written goals years later, and had already achieved them.
Review them Everyone has heard the story about the Harvard graduating class that was interviewed 30 years ago. Only 3% of the grads had written goals, and what that 3% achieved over their careers exceeded the total of the other 97%. So, everyone knows goal setting can work. However, realism, doubt, lack of confidence and lack of belief in yourself sometimes makes you skeptical that you can do better. And sometimes that stops you from even setting goals. But the statistic I have also read is that if you set a goal, and look at it every day, the chances of achieving the goal are well over 90%. This fact should inspire you, because the mechanism is there for you to use. If you are serious about this goal, and follow this method it most likely will happen.
Believe you can Napolean Hill said that whatever you can conceive and believe, you can achieve. If you don’t believe that somehow you can do this, you shut down your pursuit of your goal. But if you do believe it, you will keep trying until it happens.
Chase the goal Tony Robbins’ take on this is that once you have a goal, and believe it, and review it every day, take massiveaction toward it. While goal setting is powerful, it won’t work unless you do. You have to do the things that take you to your goals, and quite frankly, this is the difference between people who make it happen, and those that watch things happen. We won’t even talk about the people who wonder what happened.
One of the things many people lose sight of when setting goals is that what you are trying to do cannot be just for your own benefit. Your goals have to be to do something that is of value to others if your dreams are to get any legs underneath them. A business venture with a goal to make you rich is worthless. You need a business goal that solves a lot of problems for a lot of people if you want to get rich. The better you can serve others, and the more your business is set up to serve a large number of people, the more successful it will be for you. Never lose track of who you are trying to help, and make sure they get more for their money than they expect.
Get at it Write out your goals in all areas of your life. Write down how you intend to achieve them, and by when. Narrow them down to the top 3 you need to work on right now. Write down why you want it. Get a mentor/supporter to sign the goal you want supported. Create an incentive for yourself. Find a friend that has a goal, and set up the game. Review your goal daily. Just do it. Enjoy your reward when you reach your goal, and go on to the next one. Some people don’t like to set goals because they feel “pressured” to achieve them. Well , hello! Your goals should be exactly the things you want to do, to become or to achieve to create success, health, wealth and happiness! If you feel some kind of negative energy associated with those outcomes, please purchase my program and read the section on Fear of Success!! But I digress; this is the time of year to think about how you want 2011 to go.
All for now. Have a Healthy Happy and Prosperous New Year. Dr. Dave
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