This is a touchy subject because a lot of dental offices have spouses working in their practice.
The question is; is this a good idea or a bad idea?
I have certainly seen it work. I have seen spouses totally take charge and run the office very effectively and profitably. After all, they have a lot at stake and really care more than a hired gun would likely ever have.
However, I have also seen a lot of disasters.
Why do these disasters occur?
Several reasons.
First, often their only qualification is that they are the dentist’s spouse. In other words they are not qualified to do the job. They have no training or experience. Not in working in a dental office and also not in management. And guess what their role usually is? Office manager of course.
So why would anyone expect them to succeed? If they were not related they would never have been hired for the job. So do you seen the disconnect here?
Of course, when they do not know what they are doing, they set themselves up for criticism from the rest of the staff who know the work a lot better. This sets the stage for a hostile environment with blame and defensiveness instead of leadership and cooperation. And of course the spouse will bear the brunt of this unpleasantness.
Second, the staff don’t see the spouse as objective or able to defend their interests. In other words, a good manager sometimes has to impress upon the staff the dentist’s wishes when things are not being done well. On the other hand, there are times when the dental office manager has to impress upon the dentist that he or she needs to back off on poorly thought out or unfair policies. It is a two way street.
In my experience, the staff have little faith that a spouse will see their point of view and feel that the directives will all be one sided. I have heard it stated that the office manager spouse is not someone that helps them in their work, but rather is a spy for the dentist who rats them out if they do something wrong.
Third, sometimes the spouse undermines the dentist’s authority. For example, some spouses are more than comfortable chewing out their husband or wife. At home you are equals and no one is the boss of the other.
But in the office environment, the dentist is expected to be the authority, the leader, the boss and the one in charge. They have many years of intensive training and they have borrowed and invested the money to develop the practice. In this environment, you would not expect a manager to chew out the owner, but some spouses carry over their bad habits from home into the practice, often without even realizing it or understanding the damage it causes.
Sometimes dentists hire their spouse because it is ‘free’. In other words they don’t have to pay them. But if they are willing to work, they could work elsewhere and get paid for it. So the money you would have to pay for someone better qualified would be offset by what they could earn elsewhere.
So in conclusion, in most cases I am opposed to spouses working in the dental office. I think getting the spouse to work elsewhere will be better for the practice, a lot more fun for the spouse, the staff will be happier, the practice will be run better and it will be better for the relationship between the dentist and the spouse.
The only exception should be when the spouse has excellent management and communication skills as judged by the staff. But even then, it is always riskier than hiring someone who is not related.
And either way, whether your spouse is the manager or if it is someone else, make sure they are trained in up to date dental management principles.
In our consulting work, this has consistently shown up as a shortcoming in almost every office.
We do not have any office manager training sessions available right now but our dental manager training has been so well received that we will be doing a lot more of in the future, so make sure you watch for updates.
All for now,
Dr. Dave
#30 1221 Canyon Meadows Dr.
SE Calgary, AB T2J 6G2
Phone: (403) 984-0114
40837 N 97 Street
Scottsdale, AZ 85262
Phone: (480) 840-7323