Any day that you open a newspaper you see people getting awards for something or other.
The top realtors of the month.
The home builder who built the best new house for under $350,000.
Let’s not even get into Oscars, Emmy’s, Grammy’s and whatever else the movie stars win.
You also see awards on the walls of hotels, restaurants, etc, etc.
So where are the awards for dentists?
Where is the award for the top new dental practice for 2015?
Or the best cosmetic reconstruction?
Or the million dollar club? (Realtors have that)
Or your city’s top dentist that year?
Let’s face it, we can be working our butts off and nobody notices.
While we do get compliments and appreciation from our patients from time to time, there is certainly no public recognition.
And if anything public perception of dentists is not all that favorable. They think we hurt people and are unfairly rich. They see our fees but not our expenses or the years of sacrifice to get there.
Sure, there are awards for accomplishment within the politics of organized dentistry or community service, but what about recognition for just being a great dentist? Nada. None.
So what are the rewards? What is the upside of all this effort?
You may have thought being your own boss would be a benefit but many of us feel more like prisoners held captive by our staff, our leases, our debt and our landlord.
So where is the payoff?
It pretty much comes down to money.
Once I was in a business group and I was setting goals. I wanted to have the best systems, the best office morale, the happiest patients, etc, etc.
Finally one of the older guys in the group said, “Why don’t you just set a goal to be the most profitable office in town?”
Well, in order to be the most profitable, you need happy patients, good systems, happy staff, etc.
Yet it is possible to have achieved all those things and still not be all that profitable.
Dentistry can be very profitable or it can be merely a low paying job with lots of stress and responsibility.
We have all the stress and responsibility anyway, so it seems like it only makes sense to make it as profitable as possible.
If you own a practice, you are in business. You are not simply a dentist. You both are a dentist and a businessman/businesswoman.
Business people realize that your business is either growing or shrinking and continually take steps to keep their business healthy and profitable.
So what are your goals?
Any practice can improve. I can tell you that at one point my practice was not happy, healthy and profitable.
35 years of trial and error have enabled us to build a very profitable practice. We expect to exceed $10,000,000.00 in revenue this year under one roof.
I’m sure that size of practice is not what you have in mind, but how we grew is the same way you need to grow; getting all the details right. Only then do profits come that are better than being the realtor of the month in the newspaper.
If your practice profit is not where it should be, I guarantee we can help.
We have seminars for your manager, seminars for dentists, and of course one on one dental consulting.
My manager Craig is a ‘manager’s manager’. Even people with degrees in HR have come away from his managers’ seminars and office consults hugely impressed.
I am at the point in my career where I enjoy helping other dentists achieve their dreams and eliminate their nightmares. You do not have a problem or issue we have not seen.
Have you ever had a patient delay coming in because they did not think you could do anything for them? And yet you were able to totally transform their oral condition.
Sound familiar? As dentists we know that patient would have been better off coming in sooner and they all say they wished they had.
Make improved profit your immediate goal.
If you want our help we are happy to provide it.
We are not like most consultants; long on theory but never actually have done it. We only teach what we do and I think the results speak for themselves.
Dr. Dave
#30 1221 Canyon Meadows Dr.
SE Calgary, AB T2J 6G2
Phone: (403) 984-0114
40837 N 97 Street
Scottsdale, AZ 85262
Phone: (480) 840-7323